LA DIDATTICA NELL'INSEGNAMENTO DEL JUDO, di Pietro Luigi Invernizzi, Riccardo Caldarelli, Edoardo Genovesi

LA DIDATTICA NELL'INSEGNAMENTO DEL JUDO, di Pietro Luigi Invernizzi, Riccardo Caldarelli, Edoardo Genovesi


ISBN 9788886613835

Illustrations by Davide Benaglia

The text is mainly addressed to Martial Arts technicians, but also to Physical Education teachers, ISEF graduates, students and graduates in Motor Sciences, psychomotor therapists and all those professional figures involved in teaching, in an educational way, human movement to children.

In the first and second part, some general didactic-methodological insights are presented, with the analysis of some pedagogical-scientific aspects linked to modern theories of motor control and the teaching of human motor skills, with the aim of giving some precise references for the improvement of teaching skills and effectiveness in teaching.

In the third part, specific contents of a practical-operational nature are proposed, aimed not only at defining exercise suggestions, but also at predicting the possible behaviour and bodily reactions of children, in relation to different character and personality traits, and at offering hints and educational intervention tips to solve different problems and optimise teaching.

The aim of the text is not to present a sterile succession of notions and exercises, but to make available to the reader the experience and the many years of applied study and teaching that the authors have accrued in the field of human motor skills in general.


paperback 240x170x10